"Alien Carnage" (Formerly called Halloween Harry) Copyright 1994 Animation FX Licensed for exclusive distribution by Apogee Software, Ltd. P.O. Box 496389, Garland, TX 75049, TEL: 214-271-2137 ("Apogee") BY COPYING, USING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SHAREWARE PROGRAM, YOU INDICATE YOUR AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS vendor.doc. ===================== KEY POINTS ===================== [*] Everyone can -- and is encouraged! -- to copy, upload and generally pass around this Program without charging for it. [*] If you want to distribute it in a retail location (such as on a rack), or as part of a hardware or software bundle, or on CD-ROM you must get PRIOR signed written permission from Apogee. Apogee reserves its right to withhold permission. [*] If you want to distribute it as provided in this Vendor.doc by catalog, advertisement, BBS, on-line service, or direct mail, no written permission is needed. Apogee highly recommends, however, that distribution be made from a copy from Apogee or from one of its authorized sources, such as our home BBS (Software Creations BBS: 508-365-2359) to prevent the sale of older versions. [*] All advertising of the Program must include "Apogee" in the description. [*] The Program is marked "Shareware" and contains "episode #1". No right is given by this Vendor.Doc to copy, use or distribute any other version, including any version that is registered, or not marked shareware, or that contains any episode other than #1. ====================== LICENSE ====================== [1] DEFINITIONS: "Program" means Alien Carnage and its related files, including this one. The "Trademarks" consists of "Apogee", the Apogee "comet logo", and "Alien Carnage". [2] OWNERSHIP: Except to the extent expressly licensed, Apogee owns and reserves the exclusive right to distribute the Program, and to use the Trademarks in connection with it. Its content, layout and format are the property of Apogee to the extent permitted by law. [3] GRANT AND CONDITIONS: Apogee grants a non-exclusive license to distribute the Program on IBM compatible media under the Trademarks subject to the following conditions: [A] CONDITIONS FOR ALL DISTRIBUTION [1] All of the Program's files, including this one, as released by us must be included without modification. The following files must always be included to constitute a legal version for shareware distribution: þ carnage exe 9,968 10-01-94 1:00p þ ac-help exe 15,597 10-01-94 1:00p þ alien ico 79,246 10-01-94 1:00p þ dt 1 3,285 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry -0 806,630 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry hsb 462,848 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry0 -0 24,000 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry1 -0 17,680 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry10 -0 33,488 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry11 -0 28,064 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry13 -0 30,560 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry14 -0 37,776 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry15 -0 33,184 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry2 -0 32,896 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry3 -0 37,680 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry4 -0 29,312 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry5 -0 110,272 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry7 -0 18,096 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry8 -0 36,320 10-01-94 1:00p þ harry9 -0 40,608 10-01-94 1:00p þ intro -0 292,702 10-01-94 1:00p þ maps -0 115,023 10-01-94 1:00p þ order -0 19,813 10-01-94 1:00p þ sfx -0 26,540 10-01-94 1:00p þ shwrend scr 6,880 10-01-94 1:00p þ catalog exe 64,080 07-15-94 12:00a þ dealers exe 8,932 07-15-94 12:00a þ order frm 5,913 07-15-94 12:00a þ swcbbs exe 5,766 10-01-94 12:00a The final 4 files in this list (catalog.exe, order.frm, dealers.exe, and swcbbs.exe) are periodically updated, and newer versions may be substituted for the versions listed here. [2] No copyright or trademark information may be removed. [3] You must not [a] distribute any version of the Program with unauthorized changes, such as additional or different levels, or changed characters or mazes; or [b] characterize such versions as an "add-on" or "extension" of any Apogee product; or [c] distribute any unauthorized third party utility designed to alter any Apogee game, game level, game episode or saved game. [B] ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS IF YOU CHARGE: If your distribution involves a disk or other physical medium, you must also: [1] Clearly market the Program as shareware, which requires (among other things) using "try before you buy" or similar words on packaging for the Programs. [2] Include "Apogee" and the "comet" logo (we encourage use of the 4 color version) on the front cover of the package. [3] Include the your name, address and phone number on the packaging and in any added documentation. This can be imprinted on the package or may be in the form of a label affixed to the box, carton or folder. [4] Any description of the Program included in a re-sellers catalog, sales brochure, on special packaging or handouts, must include "An Apogee Game", "Released by Apogee" or "Published by Apogee" if the word count of the description is more than 14 words in length. [5] Distribute copies only after the programs on newly created master diskettes have been thoroughly tested. Always use high quality media and duplication technology. [6] Try to sell only the most current version of the Program. [7] Although Apogee discourages the practice, you may add an installation routine if it does not interfere with the proper operation or installation of the Program. [8] Program updates, recommended descriptions and "screen shots" will be provided upon request, and are available in the re-seller / dealer conference of Apogee's main BBS. [C] ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FOR BUNDLES, CD-ROMS, AND RACKS: If you wish to distribute in a retail location (such as on a rack), or as part of a hardware or software bundle, or on CD-ROM, you must get PRIOR signed written permission from Apogee, which is in Apogee's discretion and may be subject to royalty or other conditions. [4] TERM: Unless terminated for cause, your grants under this VENDOR.DOC terminate 30 days after you receive written notice, or such longer period as the notice may provide. Following such termination, you may distribute the Program only until the earlier of 60 days after the termination date in the notice, or distribution of the copies you have in stock. Sections [2], [5], and [6] survive termination. [5] LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF REMEDIES: If Apogee provides a physically defective copy of the Program, Apogee will replace it upon submission of the defective one. Aside from this, the Program IS PROVIDED "AS-IS", AND NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. OUR ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IS SUCH REPLACEMENT, AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL WE PROVIDE ANY OTHER REMEDY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. [6] MISCELLANY [A] Since we would be irreparably damaged if Section [3], [4] or [6][D] were not specifically enforced, we will be entitled without bond, other security or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of such sections, in addition to such other remedies as we may have. [B] You will hold us, our partners, contractors, employees and agents harmless from damage, loss and expense arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions in copying and distributing the Program, including from any installation routine that you may add. [C] With respect to every matter arising under this, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts sitting in Dallas, Texas, and to service by certified mail, return receipt requested, or as otherwise permitted by law. [D] You will not modify, reverse compile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Program, or use or disclose any confidential information that it contains. [V.07.15.94]